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  1. DiGiTaLiS
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1. Borland
3. Gateway
4. IBM
5. Intel
6. Intuit
7. Micron
8. Microsoft
9. Mozilla
10. Netscape
- JavaScript

11. PC Magazine
12. PC World
13. Symantec
14. ZDnet
Bill Gates gets creamed
Bill Gates Wealth Index

Cool Sites

1. Budweiser
2. Coke
3. 7up
4. Chicago 5. Extra Cool sites
- TooCool
6. Earthcam - locations of live cameras
- Live TV stations on Internet using Real Video and VDO player!
8. Weather
a) Accuweather
b) Intellicast
c) WeatherNet

Check Out My Other Pages:
Audio - Bulls - Chat - Download - Funny - Games - Notre Dame
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Created: Wed June 5 at 2:18pm 1996
Updated: Tue Jul 20 at 9:00am 2004
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